Hot & Noisy Bagua Chinatown Mahjong Art Social

Public art, 2019

BC Artscape, Sun Wah Centre, Chinatown

In collaboration with Youth Collaborative for Chinatown(YCC) and Nick Yung

Bagua’s Hot&Noisy Bagua Chinatown Mahjong Art Social, in collaboration with Youth Collaborative for Chinatown and Nick Yung, is a participatory public art which attempts to recreate a bustling public street curb scene of mahjong games inside a creative studio space. From the players to the mahjong tiles, everything is immersed in a text based visual installation in simplified, traditional Chinese, as well as in English--handwritten sayings and vernaculars behind the diverse mahjong culture.

熱鬧八卦唐人街麻雀活動是八卦藝術家協會與「青心在唐人街」和翁熊羿合作的公眾參與藝術作品,嘗試在藝術家的工作室空間去重現街邊的麻將遊戲景象,並為打麻將的參與者提供一個由不同地區麻將規則和俗語的手寫雙語文字(繁體中文 ,簡體中文,英文)構成的沉浸式體驗的視覺裝置。


Eight Immortals Story Time


Calligraphy Workshop for Chinatown Locals and Seniors